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DeviceAtlas Granted Patent on Device Detection Accuracy Method

DeviceAtlas has been granted US patent number 9,043,289 B2 on a new method for deriving the most accurate device identification results from multiple data sources.

Pawel Piejko - 09 Jul 2015
2 min read

—Innovation improves accuracy of results from multiple sources of device data—

DeviceAtlas maker Afilias Technologies today announced that it has been granted US patent number 9,043,289 B2 on a new method for deriving the most accurate device identification results from multiple data sources. Accurate device identification is critical to organizations looking to enhance web analytics, user experience, and ad targeting.

DeviceAtlas utilizes the newly patented method to provide businesses all over the world with a highly accurate way to detect any of the billions of different mobile and connected devices in use today. Companies use this data to analyze web traffic, adapt content, apply redirect rules, and target advertising based on knowledge of web visitors’ devices. The device detection algorithm uses standard HTTP headers sent by the browser of the visiting device which are then looked up in the device database in less than a millionth of a second. The patented technology allows for more accurate results where data from multiple sources exist.

Accuracy has always been of paramount importance for DeviceAtlas. Using a multi-sourced ‘aggregated database’ provides wide coverage of different territories and superior accuracy compared to single-source databases. The multiple sources used by DeviceAtlas derive from various agreements with device manufacturers and Mobile Network Operators, as well as client and user contributions.

According to Ronan Cremin, DeviceAtlas CTO, “Our focus on accuracy is why market leaders select DeviceAtlas for their businesses. In order to quantify the benefits of this approach to our customers, we set out to understand exactly how data attributes from multiple sources manifest themselves in the final data set that we expose to our customers. This was important enough to us that we developed an algorithm to quantify the potential errors and thereby maximize accuracy.”

Patent information:

  • Title: Estimation Of Error In Attribute Values Of Aggregated Databases
  • No.: US 9,043,289 B2
  • Date of Patent: May 26, 2015

About Afilias Technologies Limited

Afilias Technologies Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Afilias plc, is an expert provider of mobile and web technologies that help companies to reach their customers, regardless of device, content, or context.


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