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DeviceAtlas launches cloud service

Martin Clancy - 07 Jul 2011
2 min read

dotMobi launches low-cost cloud version of market-leading DeviceAtlas device detection service

New DeviceAtlas Cloud expands mobile Internet by simplifying mobile device detection for designers, developers, agencies and Web companies
Mobile Web pioneer dotMobi today announced the enhancement of its award-winning DeviceAtlas® service with DeviceAtlas Cloud, a new version that helps designers, developers, agencies and Web companies optimize content for mobile devices by enabling faster, easier and more cost-effective device detection.

dotMobi created DeviceAtlas to improve the mobile end-user experience by solving the challenge of displaying content properly on all mobile devices, from low-end feature phones to high-end tablet devices. DeviceAtlas does this by identifying the requesting mobile device and its display & system capabilities to allow delivery of content in a format tailored to that device.

“With the explosion of the mobile Internet and a proliferation of different devices, companies need an even more affordable device detection solution that’s quick and easy to implement. A cloud version of DeviceAtlas was the natural result. Now, we’re able to offer the best device detection solution on the market more cost effectively, allowing smaller designers, development shops and agencies access to state-of-the-art device detection,” said Ronan Cremin, Vice President of Engineering, dotMobi.
DeviceAtlas Cloud can be up and running in minutes, eliminating the need for an investment in infrastructure and lowering time spent on deploying a device detection solution. Once implemented, all data updates are managed by dotMobi with no need for technical expertise in mobile detection and database management. DeviceAtlas Cloud is available as “Standard” or “Premium,” depending on how many websites or applications customers wish to support, the number of detections and the frequency of DeviceAtlas updates required.

DeviceAtlas Cloud builds on the success of the DeviceAtlas Enterprise version, which includes advanced features and is deployed in-company by many Fortune 100 companies to power high-traffic, mission-critical Web applications.

All versions of DeviceAtlas come with a powerful analytics tool that provides statistical data on device capabilities, and a comparison tool that allows users to cross-reference those capabilities. Built with data from numerous sources, including manufacturers and network operators, DeviceAtlas is the world’s largest device detection database. All DeviceAtlas data is verified and validated to ensure it is the most accurate available, with detection accuracy rates in excess of 99 percent.