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NPAW choose DeviceAtlas to power its YOUBORA Suite with device intelligence

Video intelligence company NPAW announces new partnership with DeviceAtlas. Find out why they chose DeviceAtlas and how they will be leveraging device intelligence in their YOUBORA suite.

Stephen Clarke - 09 Apr 2019
2 min read

NPAW choose DeviceAtlas to power its YOUBORA Suite with device intelligence

DeviceAtlas is delighted to announce that NPAW (Nice People At Work) will embed device intelligence from DeviceAtlas into their analytics solutions.

NPAW is a video intelligence company that provides advanced real-time analytics to help media companies optimize performance, user engagement and build media experiences that maximize revenue. It serves more than 150 video services and processes over 55+billion plays per year worldwide.

DeviceAtlas is the world’s leading device intelligence solution providing rich data on all mobile and connected devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearable devices. DeviceAtlas has been providing this market leading service since 2008, helping companies gain a detailed understanding of device usage across the different touch points.

Increasing device fragmentation can be a big headache for businesses as users can access online content on a myriad of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, wearables and smart TVs. Not only that, but the number of phone models, phone makers, screen sizes and screen resolutions out there is immense, making it more difficult for businesses to optimize across all devices.

NPAW logo

NPAW chose DeviceAtlas to provide the most accurate device analytics for its customers in order to stay on top of this complex device landscape in real time. With DeviceAtlas, NPAW has access to 190+ device properties on over 65,000 unique devices so their customers can analyze how their content is consumed according to the device the user is on - based on dimensions such as device type, screen size, browser, browser version, OS version etc. DeviceAtlas is excited to share this news and work with NPAW to bring additional value to their customers.

Previously, NPAW had their own library of devices. However, with new devices coming out and fresh updates being released from OSes and browsers, this quickly became an arduous task and required significant engineering time to maintain. DeviceAtlas removes this labor-intensive task by reliably identifying devices in real-time with its high-performance Enterprise API.


NPAW deploys the DeviceAtlas solution in its YOUBORA Suite, an online video monitoring and optimization platform that helps companies map the entire user path to and build engaging media experiences that will drive growth and captivate audiences. DeviceAtlas’ high performance, high accuracy solution ensures NPAW’s customers get real-time views on viewer engagement and helps them deliver a more engaging viewing experience across all devices. DeviceAtlas looks forward to working with NPAW to ensure their customers have rich analytics on all types of devices.

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