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Client-side Properties

DeviceAtlas can detect 44 device properties from the Client-side. To view all DeviceAtlas properties, please check the Available Properties list.

For more information about Client-side properties and how they are obtained, please see the Dynamic Data page.

Filter properties by typing in the box.

Virtual Properties

[1] Client-side Component

[1] Name API Name Data Type Description
Yes Requesting Mobile UX requestingMobileUx boolean True if the Client identifies itself as mobile (from Client Hints). Note: this may differ from the 'Mobile Device' flag based on the device hardware. Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
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[1] Client-side Component

[1] Name API Name Data Type Description
Yes Device Pixel Ratio devicePixelRatio string Ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels (dips) on the browser.
Yes Screen Color Depth displayColorDepth integer The color depth of a display.
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Web Browser

[1] Client-side Component

[1] Name API Name Data Type Description
Yes Cookie cookieSupport boolean The ability of a client to store cookies and send them when appropriate.
Yes Save-Data saveData boolean Identifies if the client prefers reduced data usage (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
Yes Downlink downlink string Estimate of downlink bandwidth in Mbps (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
Yes Round Trip Time roundTripTime integer Estimate of effective round trip time in milliseconds, rounded to nearest 25ms (rtt from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
Yes Effective Connection Type effectiveConnectionType string Equivalent connection in the form of slow-2G, 2G, 3G, 4G based on Round Trip Time and downlink performance (ect from Client-Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
Yes Platform Architecture platformArchitecture string The device CPU architecture (from Client Hints). Requires usage of version 2.1 or later of Client Side Component.
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[1] Client-side Component

[1] Name API Name Data Type Description
Yes JS Support Basic Java Script js.supportBasicJavaScript boolean The browser has some level of JavaScript support, typically Alert, Confirm, setInterval, setTimeout.
Yes JS Support Events js.supportEvents boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Events.
Yes JS Support Console Log js.supportConsoleLog boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports console.log().
Yes JS Modify Dom js.modifyDom boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying DOM elements.
Yes JS Support Event Listener js.supportEventListener boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Event Listeners.
Yes JS Json js.json boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports JSON objects.
Yes JS Modify CSS js.modifyCss boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports modifying CSS elements.
Yes JS XHR js.xhr boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports XMLHttpRequest.
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[1] Client-side Component

[1] Name API Name Data Type Description
Yes JS Web Sockets js.webSockets boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Sockets API.
Yes HTML Canvas html.canvas boolean The browser supports the canvas element.
Yes HTML Video boolean The browser supports the video HTML tag.
Yes CSS Transforms css.transforms boolean The browser supports CSS transforms.
Yes JS Web SQL Database js.webSqlDatabase boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web SQL Database API.
Yes JS Device Motion js.deviceMotion boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Motion event.
Yes JS Geo Location js.geoLocation boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Geo Location.
Yes JS Session Storage js.sessionStorage boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Session Storage.
Yes HTML Inline SVG html.inlinesvg boolean The browser supports inline SVG.
Yes CSS Animations css.animations boolean The browser supports CSS animations.
Yes CSS Transitions css.transitions boolean The browser supports CSS transitions.
Yes JS Web Workers js.webWorkers boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Web Workers API.
Yes JS Touch Events js.touchEvents boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Touch events.
Yes JS Indexeddb js.indexedDB boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports indexedDB.
Yes JS Web GL js.webGl boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Web GL.
Yes HTML Audio boolean The browser supports the audio HTML tag.
Yes HTML SVG html.svg boolean The browser supports SVG.
Yes CSS Columns css.columns boolean The browser supports CSS columns.
Yes JS Device Orientation js.deviceOrientation boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Device Orientation.
Yes JS Application Cache js.applicationCache boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Application Cache.
Yes JS Query Selector js.querySelector boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports the Query Selector.
Yes JS Local Storage js.localStorage boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Local Storage.
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Other Properties

[1] Client-side Component

[1] Name API Name Data Type Description
Yes JS Access Dom js.accessDom boolean Indicates whether getElementsById, getElementsByTagName and getElementsByName are supported.
Yes Orientation orientation integer The orientation of the device.
Yes Device Aspect Ratio deviceAspectRatio string The aspect ratio of the device's screen.
Yes JS Web GL Renderer js.webGlRenderer string Browser renderer of the graphics driver.
Yes User Media userMedia boolean The browser’s permissions to use a media device such as a camera or microphone.
Yes JS Battery js.battery boolean The browser's JavaScript engine supports Battery Status API.
Yes Screen Width Height screenWidthHeight string The screen width & height reported by device's browser/webView.
Yes Renderer Ref rendererRef string Necessary for iOS device segmentation.
Yes Audio Ref audioRef string Necessary for iOS device segmentation.
Yes HTML Video AP4X boolean Necessary for iOS device segmentation.
Yes HTML Video AV1 boolean Necessary for iOS device segmentation.
Yes JS Force Touch js.forceTouch string Device input supports force touch.
Yes Browser Full Version List ch.browserFullVersionList string Internal property used to identify browser and browser version from Client Hints using the Client Side Component.
Yes CH Bitness ch.bitness string Browser Architechture bitness (from Client Hints).
Yes CH Browser List ch.browserList string Browser Name, Features List (from Client Hints).
Yes CH Platform ch.platform string Platform / Operating System Name (from Client Hints).
Yes CH Model ch.model string Model (from Client Hints).
Yes CH Platform Version ch.platformVersion string Platform / Operating System Version (from Client Hints).
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